• Giacomo Zanello italian version

Born at Pontestura in 1940, in province of Alessandria, Giacomo is the official photographer of the "connectingrod" website. He moved to Turin to complete his advanced studies at the beginning of the 60's. He took a diploma of Electrotechnic Expert. Later on he devoted his main activity to the study and design on the electric and hydraulic systems of the aboard vehicle. First he worked at Fiat Ricerche and afterwards with the Iveco Engineering. Since 2001 he has been consultant for some Italian and foreign car companies. As a side job, he has always been keen on cars and photography, first taking photographs of landscape and naturalistic views and later on, starting from the 80's, of sports cars, from which he tries to seize the relationship that can be never disregarded between speed and technology.


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Graphic & Engineering by Fabio Carrera