C.E.R. - Paul Ricard - (Dix Mille Tours)

Repetita iuvant

Many novelties have accompanied the fifth and last practice of the 2010 CER championship, which took place on Paul Ricard circuit during the first edition of the Dix Mille Tours: among the others the first of all was the organizers’ decision to run two separate races, the former reserved to P1 and GT1 (CER1) the latter to P2 and GT2 (CER2), with the intention of offering harder fought races at the same time satisfying a major number of new entered competitors. Other important novelty was the name of “Grand prix de Gstaad” given to the event by the good office of Stephane Gutzwiller, member of Gstaad Automobile Club and entered into CER with a Chevron B16 P1. Races didn’t fail to meet expectations, in particular in the CER2 where the fight still opened for the two titles charged the leaders much more, giving us palpitations on the final.

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Graphic & Engineering by Fabio Carrera