Race G

Formule 3, 2000cm3 avant 1985

Over the years the Grand Prix Formula 3 (Series G) has become the culminating event for this type of cars, calling old glories who had relived the test of the Principality in the days when winning here meant putting one foot in Formula 1 and in professionalism. Today Formula 3 is no longer as instructive as it was in the past, also for the indecent proliferation of different formulae and little formulae, all with propaedeutic claims and especially with the unstated goal of plucking, as much as possible, the young people who want to make their way in the world of races. Perhaps the selections are much less according to meritocracy than before.

If we recall the triumph of Emanuele Pirro in the 2010 edition, in those days there was the hope to see a new win of the Italian flag, maybe of Paolo Barilla or Matteo Marzotto, who were among likely candidates to climb up the top step of podium. It wasn’t like that, even if Barilla and Marzotto, all the same, have been the protagonists.

On Saturday, given the big number of participants, a good 49 driver, there has been a selection made by two heat races, divided by odd and even numbers. From the race of even numbers Ben Barker has stood out by force at the wheel of the Lola-Toyota T60, ahead of Marc Foggionato with Martini Alfa Romeo MK39 and David Shaw in Ralt-Toyota RT1. To point out the good performance of Stefano Rosina who drove his Osella-Toyota F3A to the fifth place.

As for the race of odd numbers we have to remark the fight well balanced between Paolo Barilla in his wonderful Martini-Alfa Romeo Mk34 under API colors, and Matteo Marzotto in Ralf-VW RT3. At the beginning it seemed Marzotto to prevail, but after a fine struggle Paolo Barilla managed to take the lead. Sam Hancock arrived third with his Ralt-Toyota RT1, who sometimes seemed in a position to get himself into the fight between Marzotto and Barilla.

The grid of the final race saw the odd numbers on the left side and the even numbers on the right, with Ben Barker in pole. The start has been complicated because, due to a series of failures in the line-up after the formation lap, it was necessary to repeat the procedure a good three times. The first time Rosina hasn’t been lined up well on the grid and was forced by the race direction to start from the pit way, while on the second time it was Ringstrom who has stated the gearbox failure, causing a new restart.

Finally on green lights Barker said goodbye to all and ran away as undisputed leader, Marzotto prevailed over Barilla who tried unsuccessfully to regain the position, but the red single-seater of his fellow countryman was a difficult safe to crack. Behind there was a more alive, where an interesting little train was going to form between David Shaw, Grant Tromas, Jean Pierre Einard-Machet, Valerio Leone and Ben Barker, all fighting for the fourth place. Finally, after many exchanges of position, the Ralt RT1 driven by Shaw had the better of his rivals.

On lap 10, Minazzoli crashed at the Swimming Pools (piscine) area, requiring the Safety Car intervention. Meantime, the clouds which were gathering over the Principality, decided to pour down with a lot of rain on the circuit. Cars were obliged to retire and the direction of the race stopped the race definitively. Consequently Barker was first, before Marzotto, Barilla and Foggionato.

Stefano Costantino
Photos by Giacomo & Marco Zanello


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